Using Hourglass

How to Swap

Step 1: Connect Your Wallet

Visit, and click “Launch App.” You will then need to connect a crypto wallet. Directions on this will vary based on your choice of wallet. If you have any questions (or run into any difficulties), please email

Step 2: Enter Swap details

Here you will select the source chain, destination chain, and the stablecoins you would like to send + receive. In the following example, we will be swapping USDC on Arbitrum to USDT on Polygon.

  1. Select a source chain (which holds the asset you would like to send).

  2. Select the quantity (left) and name (right) of the asset you would like to send.

  3. Select a destination chain (where you would like to receive an asset)

  4. Select the quantity (left) and name (right) of the asset you would like to receive.

Step 3: Approve Contract

Select the “Swap” button, and approve the smart contract. This allows our contract to withdraw the amount of funds you specified.

Step 4: Enjoy your savings!

Most trades are completed within 5 minutes. Follow the onscreen prompts or check the “Active Orders” tab to check on your transaction.

Last updated